পশ্চিমবঙ্গের বেকার যুবক-যুবতীদের অর্থনৈতিকভাবে স্বনির্ভর করে তুলতে “কর্ম সাথী” “Karma Sathi Prakalpa” প্রকল্পের নামে একটি নতুন প্রকল্প চালু হয়েছে। পশ্চিমবঙ্গে এই প্রকল্পে আগামী তিন বছরে, প্রতি বছর 1 লক্ষ বেকার যুবক-যুবতীদের নিয়মিত সংস্থান করা হবে। এর জন্য দু লক্ষ টাকা পর্যন্ত লগ্নির নতুন প্রকল্পের সহজ শর্তে ঋণ প্রদান ও ভর্তুকি দেওয়ার ব্যবস্থা থাকবে। রাজ্যের অধীনস্থ সমবায় ব্যাংকের মাধ্যমে এই ঋণ দেওয়া হবে। আশা করা যায় এই প্রকল্পের সহায়তায় বেকার যুবক যুবতীরা ছোট উৎপাদন প্রতিষ্ঠান বা ক্ষুদ্র ব্যবসা শুরু করে নিজেরা স্বাবলম্বী হতে পারবে। এই প্রকল্পের জন্য 500 কোটি টাকা বরাদ্দ করা হয়েছে।
Title of the Scheme: The scheme will be called as ‘Karma Sathi Prakalpa’
i. To facilitate young entrepreneurs of the state in setting up new manufacturing enterprises and small businesses including services and trading.
ii. To create gainful self-employment opportunity in both rural and urban areas of the state.
Commencement and duration of the scheme :– The scheme will commence from date of Gazette Notification and shall remain in force for a period of three years thereafter.
Eligibility Criteria:– Any intending or, prospective entrepreneur fulfilling the conditions below can apply. Only one member from a family shall be eligible to apply under this Scheme where “family” means parents and spouse.
Age: Any intending or prospective entrepreneur in the age group 18 – 50 years.
Educational Qualification: Minimum Class VIII passed. Preference will be given to intending entrepreneurs who are registered with the Employment Bank.
Type of assistance:– Under the scheme, soft loan and subsidy will be provided for taking up any new income generating project in manufacturing, service and trading/business sector up to Rs. 2 lakhs. The loan will be provided by the State-owned Cooperative Bank on soft terms.
Quantum of Government Subsidy:– There are two components of government subsidy under this scheme.
i. Project Subsidy: 15% of the project cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 25,000.
ii. Interest subsidy: Will be paid to the entrepreneur on annual interest paid by him/her to the Co-operative Bank:
a. 50% for timely repayment of interest for maximum period of 3 years
b. 40% for all other cases for a maximum period of 3 years.
Own Contribution (Margin Money):– The applicant whose project is finally sanctioned under the scheme will be required to pay his/her own contribution in the following manner:
a) Project cost up to Rs.50,000: 5% of the project cost for all categories of applicant
b) Project cost above Rs.50,000: 5% of the project cost for SC/ ST/ Woman/ Differently abled/ Minority communities and 10% of the project cost for others.
Eligible scheme:– Any new income generating activity taken up for self-employment in manufacturing, services and trading will be eligible for assistance under the scheme.
Illustration 1
- Project Cost : Rs.50,000
- Category of applicant: For all categories
- Source of finance –
Own contribution(Margin money) @5% =Rs.2,500
Project subsidy by Govt @15% =Rs.7,500
State Co-op Bank loan @80% =Rs.40,000
Total =Rs.50,000

1) The Loan amount of Rs.75,000 (payable as per schedule of repayment of Bank) + Bank Interest
payable at the bank interest rate.
2) For regular repayment, the Government will refund 50% of the interest paid by the beneficiary in
3 years, into the beneficiary bank account as Interest Subsidy.
3) If, as a special case, considering the loan amount to be higher, bank agrees for a higher period for
repayment of loan, (say, 5 years instead of 3 years), the beneficiary (applicant) will repay loan +
interest to the bank for 5 years, but the government will refund to the beneficiary, 50% of the
interest paid by the beneficiary in 3 years, as interest subsidy.

1) The Loan amount of Rs. 1,65,000 (payable as per schedule of repayment of Bank) + Bank Interest
payable at the bank interest rate.
2) For regular repayment, the Government will refund 50% of the interest paid by the beneficiary in
3 years, into the beneficiary bank account as Interest Subsidy.3) If, as a special case, considering the loan amount to be higher, bank agrees for a higher period for
repayment of loan, (say, 5 years instead of 3 years), the beneficiary (applicant) will repay loan +
interest to the bank for 5 years, but the government will refund to the beneficiary, 50% of the
interest paid by the beneficiary in 3 years, as interest subsidy.

1) The Loan amount of Rs.1,55,000 (payable as per schedule of repayment of Bank) + Bank Interest
payable at the bank interest rate.
2) For regular repayment, the Government will refund 50% of the interest paid by the beneficiary in
3 years, into the beneficiary bank account as Interest Subsidy.
3) If, as a special case, considering the loan amount to be higher, bank agrees for a higher period for
repayment of loan, (say, 5 years instead of 3 years), the beneficiary (applicant) will repay loan +
interest to the bank for 5 years, but the government will refund to the beneficiary, 50% of the
interest paid by the beneficiary in 3 years, as interest subsidy
আবেদনপত্র ডাউনলোড করুন [ Download Application Form ]– ইংরেজি / বাংলা
Method of Application:–
i. The intended entrepreneur shall apply in the prescribed Application Form (Annexure-I) for assistance under the scheme either on-line through the Karma Sathi Portal or through physical application.
ii. The Application Form may be obtained free of cost from the following offices:
a. Office of the Block Development Officer (BDO) in case the applicant resides in the rural areas.
b. Office of the Sub-Divisional Officer (SDO) in case the applicant resides in Municipal/Notified areas outside the areas of Kolkata Municipal Corporation.
c. Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) in case the applicant resides in KMC area.
d. MSME Facilitation Centre (MFC) of District Industries Centre (DIC) in the district.
Required documents to be attached with the application form:–
i. Proof of Identity (with photo)
ii. Proof of residence
iii. Proof of educational qualification
iv. Proof of age
v. Copy of SC/ST/OBC/Minority/Differently abled certificate, if applicable
vi. Project report
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