কোনো শীর্ষক নেই

 Packing/Scanning work in Med Plus Medicine Warehouse. 8th Pass Apply

Post Name:

Labor and


Educational Qualification:

Labor-  minimum 8th (eighth) class pass to 12th Pass

Supervisor- Minimum 12th Pass + computer knowledge.

Highly educated can also apply.


between 18-45 years. 


Labor- 14,000/- per month - Upto 20k

Supervisor- 17,000/- per month - Upto 20k

ESI/PF/OT + free accommodation and food 

Job Description:

Labor - Product labeling, sealing, packing, scanning is the main work in Bisque Farm Biscuit Warehouse.

Supervisor- stock check, data entry, auditing work of laborers.

To know more, you can call the office phone number to know the details.

Working hours:

Must work 8 (eight) hours daily.

Who is eligible to apply:

Both male and female candidates of every district of the state can apply. 

Recruitment Procedure:

 interview and document verification.

Call- 8420888979

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